Monday, July 15, 2013

HCC Advisor

You can test the Exadata HCC compression on your production non-Exadata server (for example, on your HP Superdome or IBM 795).
It is free. It is safe. It is quick. It is easy.

Pre-Requisites: you have to choose the appropriate OWNER.TABLE and have enough space in the TABLESPACE. And decide,please, which one of type compression you will test
- Query Low
- Query High
- Archive Low
- Archive High
Take the dbms_compression.get_compression_ratio function for it, it has the name of "HCC Advisor"

Look at the example :


set serveroutput on
 v_blkcnt_cmp     pls_integer;
 v_blkcnt_uncmp   pls_integer;
 v_row_cmp        pls_integer;
 v_row_uncmp      pls_integer;
 v_cmp_ratio      number;
 v_comptype_str   varchar2(60);
 scratchtbsname   => upper('&Tablespace'),  -- Tablespace Name   
 ownname          => upper('&UserName'),    -- USER NAME
 tabname          => upper('&TableName'),   -- TABLE NAME
 partname         => NULL,          
 comptype         => dbms_compression.comp_for_query_high, --compression type 
 blkcnt_cmp       => v_blkcnt_cmp,   
 blkcnt_uncmp     => v_blkcnt_uncmp, 
 row_cmp          => v_row_cmp,   
 row_uncmp        => v_row_uncmp, 
 cmp_ratio        => v_cmp_ratio, 
 comptype_str     => v_comptype_str);
 dbms_output.put_line('Estimated Compression Ratio: '||to_char(v_cmp_ratio));
 dbms_output.put_line('Blocks used by compressed sample: '||to_char(v_blkcnt_cmp));
 dbms_output.put_line('Blocks used by uncompressed sample: '||to_char(v_blkcnt_uncmp));

Estimated Compression Ratio: 13.6
Blocks used by compressed sample: 1041
Blocks used by uncompressed sample: 14251


Common Errors:
ORA-20000: Compression Advisor scratch tablespace cannot be UNIFORM tablespace
ORA-20000: Compression Advisor must have at least 1000000 rows in this


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

SAP + HCC = engagement

As we know, SAP does not recommend the use of the HCC.
Therefore the using of Exadata for SAP does not give the full effect: large database are remained large...
Leveraging the HCC for SAP DB will change the matters and the effect will be greater.

Currently we are testing the following Oracle Database 12c options and features for SAP:
- Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC)

How to disable/setup autostart parameters for specified instance ?

Q: We have a 4-node RAC. I need to disable autostart of the DB on one node only.    How to do it and how to see autostart parameters, confir...